big green egg chiminea outdoor wood fireplace

BIG GREEN EGG CHIMINEABig Green Egg Elevates the Backyard Experience with a Limited Edition  Chiminea

A Cult Classic Revived for the 50th Anniversary

From intimate dinner parties to lively backyard gatherings, this masterpiece ensures your moments are warmed with elegance and unmatched ambiance. Its unique silhouette is a stunning centerpiece and keeps your guests warmly enveloped, allowing the conversation and laughter to flow freely.

Combining timeless design with cutting-edge updates, the new Big Green Egg Chiminea embodies the spirit of outdoor gatherings and the warmth of shared experiences. Crafted with precision and care, our Chiminea brings the iconic Big Green Egg quality to the heart of your outdoor living space.


Unique Silhouette: Designed to elevate any outdoor setting, its unique shape captivates the eye and ingeniously directs smoke away, enhancing your comfort while intensifying the live-fire experience.
NASA-Grade Ceramics: The Chiminea is constructed from the same advanced ceramics used in the Big Green Egg, ensuring unparalleled durability and heat retention.
High-Temperature Steel Grate: Equipped with a high-temperature powder-coated steel grate, it features our signature Acacia wood handle, adding a touch of elegance and functionality.
Lava Rocks Included: Each Chiminea has premium Lava Rocks included — known for their exceptional ability to absorb, retain, and distribute heat, providing prolonged warmth and an unforgettable ambiance.

Transform your outdoor gatherings with the Big Green Egg Chiminea. A tribute to 50 years of innovation, this cult classic revival is more than a product—it's a lifestyle. 

 big green egg